Tagged: RequireJS

Object JavaScript – Code Walkthrough Initializing a Module That Needs RequireJS, jQuery, LoDash

image6[1]RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. In Getting Started with Modules Using RequireJS, you have learned a lot about how you can use it to load your dependencies using define() and require().

In this code snippet, you will learn how you can load the dependencies, initialize a module with values that you pass in, and then make public some of the methods.

And you will see how to put files in folders to help keep identify which modules you write in your app and which modules are from third parties.

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Snippet – Fixing Errors When Using jQuery, Sammy, RequireJS

Sammy.jsWhile I was trying out Sammy.js with Require.js I kept getting several errors, among them:

  • jQuery is not defined
  • Uncaught TypeError: Object function ( selector, context ) { // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor ‘enhanced’ return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery ); } has no method ‘sammy’

Here’s a code sample that shows how you can get the two to work together.

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Single Page Apps – Deep Dive into Loading Templates Using Sammy, Mustache, RequireJS

Sammy.jsIn this tutorial you will learn how Sammy renders a Mustache template and then load and interpolate the template. In addition, you will use Sammy and templates as Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) modules.

The tutorial builds on the previous postings Getting Started with SammyJS – Routes, where you learned you can use Sammy to provide client side routing, and Loading JSON Using Sammy where you learned how to load JSON data using sammy.load().

This tutorial goes beyond the getting started with Sammy tutorial, JSON Store, provided in Sammy’s documentation. In this tutorial you will learn what happens behind the scenes with each of the important calls. The idea is to help you choose the right Sammy calls as your application gets more complex.

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Single Page App – Loading, Caching LoDash or Underscore Templates Using RequireJS, AppCache

image613As you learned in the previous post, you learned how you can load templates inline in your app using RequireJS. The next step is to load and compile a template file. And for your offline app, learn how you can cache templates. Caching saves a round trip to the server, making your application incredibly responsive.

In this tutorial we will compile, load, and cache LoDash (or Underscore) templates and then use those templates to transform data in our single page app.

The technique uses RequireJS, so there is no more dynamic loading. Templates are bundled within your code which saves some HTTP requests.

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Object JavaScript – Using Q Promises Inside a RequireJS AMD Module

image613As you are thinking more about your Web page being an app, you look for ways to reduce the complexity by using modules. In earlier post Getting Started with Modules Using RequireJS , you learned how RequireJS provides a great way to think of your app in modules and to asynchronously load and run your app.

RequireJS helps your describe the dependencies of a module and make sure you load them before executing your script.

But what happens when your module is long running? You can certainly turn that portion into a module and the require the completion before continuing. But in my case, I want think about my AMD module as an object and then call long-running methods on that module after it has been loaded.

This snippet expands on Asynchronous JavaScript Promises Using Q  and shows how you can use a promise inside your module that will have some long running asynchronous method.

687474703a2f2f6b7269736b6f77616c2e6769746875622e696f2f712f712e706e67When you make an asynchronous call, you can use a promise to handle both successful completion of the work and potential errors that may arise during execution. Upon the successful completion of one asynchronous call, you may want to pass the result to make another request.

The solution combines the promises of Q.js with the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) of Require.JS.

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Object JavaScript – Getting Started with Modules Using RequireJS

imageRequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and NodeJS. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code.

When a project reaches a certain size, managing the script modules for a project starts to get tricky. You need to be sure to sequence the scripts in the right order, and you need to start seriously thinking about combining scripts together into a bundle for deployment, so that only one or a very small number of requests are made to load the scripts.

You may also want to load code on the fly, after page load.

RequireJS can help you manage the script modules, load them in the right order, and make it easy to combine the scripts later via the RequireJS optimizer without needing to change your markup. It also gives you an easy way to load scripts after the page has loaded, allowing you to spread out the download size over time.

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Object JavaScript – Revealing Modular Pattern Into Asynchronous Modules

image6[1]Let’s put our revealing module pattern into asynchronous modules definition (AMD).

Asynchronous module definition (AMD) is a JavaScript API for defining modules such that the module and its dependencies can be asynchronously loaded. It is useful in improving the performance of websites by bypassing synchronous loading of modules along with the rest of the site content.

modular, we generally mean it’s composed of a set of highly decoupled, distinct pieces of functionality stored in modules. As you probably know, loose coupling facilitates easier maintainability of apps by removing dependencies where possible.

Loose coupling implies each component can operate or be tested independently of other components.

Tight coupling implies each component “knows” the details or inner workings of other components.

In just a few lines of code you can provide for architectural features above to improve from revealing module pattern to asynchornous module definition code. Here’s a look into why and how.

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