Tagged: AmplifyJS

Single Page App – Separate UI from Model Using Publish, Subscribe Pattern using AmplifyJS

image8AmplifyJS is a set of components designed to solve common web application problems with a simplistic API. Amplify’s goal is to simplify all forms of data handling by providing a unified API for various data sources.

Your application may need more sophisticated control than is offered in Knockout, which provides for automatic updates in your view model. Knockout provides the observable pattern. But in the pattern described here Amplify’s publish/subscribe you do the publishing and the subscription.

In this post, you’ll learn the basics of how you can implement publish/subscribe pattern on the client using Amplify.

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Single Page Apps – Retrieving, Caching Server Requests Using AmplifyJS

image8You may want to use storage to store data. You can save the data your user has entered in a wizard. Or you might want to save data so you can provide an offline experience. Or you may want to store user preferences. Local storage is a good idea anytime you do not want, or need your user or your application to start all over.

AmplifyJS is a very neat library that provides a consistent API to handle client storage that works in most browsers.

In this post, you will learn to retrieve the data through amplify.request without concern for data caching, server interface, resource location, data types, wrappers, and all the other specificities of the client/server interaction.

Requests made through amplify.request will always be resolved asynchronously, even if the resource invokes the callbacks immediately.

You will probably need jQuery for Amplify Request. The default request type shipped with AmplifyJS does utilize jQuery AJAX, but you can just as easily create a new request type that uses Dojo, MooTools, etc.

However the publish/subscribe and store components do not use jQuery at all.

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